Arm Lift
Arm Lift
Due to aging or excessive weight gain, the upper arm area can sag and appear uncomfortable....
Arm Lift
Due to aging or excessive weight gain, the upper arm area can sag and appear uncomfortable. Arm lift surgery is a technique used to address this problem.

Sagging in the arm area can occur due to factors such as gravity, aging, genetics, excessive weight gain, sun exposure, and genetic predisposition.
What Should Be Considered Before Arm Lift Surgery?
Blood thinners should be stopped at least one week before the procedure, and smoking and alcohol should be avoided. In case of any infection, it should be reported to the doctor.
How Is Arm Lift Surgery Performed?
Excess skin is removed from the arm through incisions made from the inside of the elbow or the armpit. If there is excess fat, it is removed directly through incisions or with liposuction. Aesthetic sutures are applied to the areas where incisions are made.
How Long Does Arm Lift Surgery Take?
Depending on the condition of the area, arm lift surgery can take between 1 to 3 hours.
Is Arm Lift Surgery a Painful Procedure?
The surgery itself is not painful. However, some minor aches and discomfort may be experienced after the procedure. With the help of medication prescribed by your doctor, these aches will be completely alleviated.
What Types of Anesthesia Are Used in Arm Lift Surgery?
Arm lift surgery is performed in a hospital setting under general anesthesia, sedation, or local anesthesia.
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