Emsculpt NEO
EmSculpt Neo is a technology whose effectiveness has been proven by clinical studies and works by using high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy. In addition, it supports fat burning with radiofrequency energy. By means of High Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic (HIFEM) technology, motor neurons are stimulated by creating an electromagnetic field and 100% of muscle fibers are contracted. By providing supramaximal contractions, the technology induces muscle stimulation much higher than the stimulation that can be achieved with daily exercise. In a period of about half an hour, 20 thousand muscle contractions are achieved. Emsculpt neo painlessly accomplishes the biological effects provided by exercise. It causes muscle hypertrophy, an increase in muscle volume and density, as well as fat breakdown through the high-energy muscle contractions induced. Another feature of EmSculpt Neo that accelerates fat burning is the radio frequency energy added to the system. The radio frequency, which increases the temperature of the fat cells, supports the fat burning process triggered by the contraction of the muscles and enables more fat to be burned during the process. Another positive effect of radio frequency energy is that it tightens the skin and also increases the elasticity of the skin. Studies have shown that the technique provides a 30% reduction in adipose tissue and up to 25% increase in muscle mass. Emsculpt neo can be applied to the abdomen, buttocks, legs, forearms and back arms.
Although the number of sessions depends on the treatment protocol to be established after the doctor's examination, in general a total of 4-6 sessions are applied, 2 times a week with a few days intervals.